Reality Manipulation Vs Molecule Manipulation. For information regarding the procedure that needs to be exactly followed to register there, please click here. ", 1. Reality warping is turning a sphere inside out and then changing it into a 2-d circle by donkey punching logic. Matter manipulation is turning a sphere into a cube by rearranging it's molecular structure. Answer (1 of 2): Probability manipulation is the powers that can control law of probability (possibility /chance) this powers just making unlikely things happening controlling the events and it's based on reality Wanda is the high level probability altering powers She can manipulate probability. Many manipulators of perception. Also, warping reality is basically shaping reality, hence the word "warp". The best answers are voted up and rise to the top, Not the answer you're looking for? Yes, MM can do more than manipulate matter. Matter manipulation means altering something that is physically manifested, Reality warping includes changing the abstract-unmanifested part as well. They are capable of manipulating every aspect of reality from the beginning to the end, physical and metaphysical. He actually mentioned that his name doesn't do him justice since he can do so much more than control mere matter but that it has a better ring to it than "string man" or "information man". You realize that the spatial dimensions aren't made of molecules or atoms or . My guess is that reality warping is intradiegetic manipulating the fabric of reality within the universe you occupy while plot manipulation is extradiegetic and operates on the awareness of being a fictional entity that is part of a narrative being told to someone else. subatomic particles that do not travel through time or experience it the way we do. Molecule man for Molecular manip Nihilist Reality manip is far better/greater imo as you can manip anything including time and space as well as matter along along with others things ( this depends on how powerful a warper you are though) rotiart Equals. Is this not significantly too broad, since it asks for examples across all media? At best matter manipulation on his scale is low level reality warping as it only manipulates the physical plane. Couldnt have proved @thewatcherking's point any better. Create new powers, deliver new powers and alike; Make any wish! . He has been seen manipulating time and space many times like here. If they really want to pile on the science, it will be quantum manipulation, or there will be some computer jargon with administrators and kernels and such. Transmuting elements is molecular manipulation. Reality Warping is a general term for characters to manipulate reality; they can utilize anything. How reality warping actually works is the user overwrites their target's current existential state, for example, a super-earth. Probably Reality Warping but Matter Manipulation is a more practical use and I'd prefer it due to how complicated Reality warping is. At best matter manipulation on his scale is low level reality warping as it only manipulates the physical plane. How to prove that the supernatural or paranormal doesn't exist? He's said he only keeps the name because he thinks the alliteration is cool. If he wants 1+1 to = 9, he probably can do it. When Dr.Doom attacked MM he was ambushed and never knew what hit him(literally). From matter and energy, due to its interconnectivity with the layers of reality, potent cosmic or psionic powers, space-time, overwhelming emotions, dreams, imagination, and fundamental forces. Sometimes it's really hard to distinguish them. Also, list some people with these powers please :). Arguing with the more powerful ones may well be futile, especially since they can, Itsuka Shido ("Date a live Vol 20); via Ain Soph, Ungalo ("JoJo's Bizzare Adventure Part VI: Stone Ocean"), Versus ("JoJo's Bizzare Adventure Part VI: Stone Ocean"), Funny Valentine ("JoJo's Bizzare Adventure Part VII: Steel Ball Run"), Tooru ("JoJo's Bizzare Adventure Part VIII: JoJolion"), Tricky, Auditor, Jebus (Madness Combat); via Improbability drive, Members of the royal family of Amber and their descendants (, Allison Hargreeves/Number Three/The Rumor (, The Demiurge/The God of Flesh/Vajuma/Saklas/Samael/God-Eater/Devourer/His Undulating Vastness/The Great Winnower/The God of Flesh/Nwa/The Dragon in the Great Brass Cage/Yaldabaoth (, The Light-Bringer/The Morning Star/He-Who-Made-Dark and He-Who-Made-Light (, SCP-6820 - TERMINATION ATTEMPT/SCP-682 - Hard-To-Destroy Reptile (, Portable Improbability Drive, Sheriff's Improbability Drive, Improbability Drive Management (. '+'com" style="color: #000000">Contact Us'); It is similar to editing a word document, erasing and overwriting existing content to provide space for the original content. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. The last scan is him basically creating a pocket dimension for storage. Well that's subjective. And which is more powerful? In Marvel comics, the Beyonder is an extra-dimensional being shown to be able to control reality, warp, and pop in and out of reality Concurrently, the Molecule Man is a human with total control over all molecules and corresponding energies. He can shape what is there. Any decision made in the past, any item ever created, any movement, choice, color, atom . Now, reality can be whatever I want.Thanos (Avengers: Infinity War). It would be like matter manipulation versus matter manipulation+. the reality warping is exactly powerful enough to do what the matter manipulation can) then the reality warping is more powerful because reality warping is a generalized ability that includes many other things besides matter manipulation. Owen has done both, seeing as how he can re-create the multiverse, and also manipulate space, time, matter and energy. I mean technically The Mask is a Reality Warper yet his power never really went past Planet Scale. Superpower Wiki is a FANDOM Anime Community. Minor Feats Attack Potency/Strength Fought with the Violator That is, it was. Reality warper could just choose a reality where the Space-Time manipulator is a rich girl fangirling BTS. Space-time manipulation is still limited by the laws of reality, or rather, Space and time are defined by the laws reality.which a top tier reality warper controls with ease. From matter and energy, due to its interconnectivity with the layers of reality, potent cosmic or psionic powers, space-time, overwhelming emotions, dreams, imagination, and fundamental forces. It depends completely upon the extent/tier of either ability. He is not just a matter manipulator. At basic or advanced levels, the user can manifest their imagination (beings or objects) into reality, generating corporeal forms of their role models, superpowers, families, pets, to fantasy, bend reality to cause only beneficial events to happen only to the user, denying the laws of physics, or re-editing their current condition to achieve godhood. Want to improve this question? I haven't seen him do that. Molecule Man for example is "only" a matter manipulator, yet is also one of the strongest characters in Marvel. iirc, galactus has like every power except outright reality warping. However, molecule man later gained the power to warp reality itself on a multiversal scale. Sometimes confused with "omnipotence", Reality Alteration is a term used to describe the ability of some characters to warp the fabric of reality itself to the whims of the user. Reality warpers reshape more than matter and energy. Owen has never rewritten the rules of physics, he has only generated copy and pasted physics. However my post still applies, since matter manipulators still have to follow the laws of reality. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. There are many masters of illusion in the universe, Rachel. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Gender: UnspecifiedLocation: In Hell, torturing your soul. It's a matter of perspective. Mm in secret wars was affecting the multiverse. All Rights Reserved.Powered by: vBulletin, copyright 2000-2006, Jelsoft Enterprises Limited. The main limitations of reality warping are an advanced variation of the superpower or understanding the sophistication of reality itself; everything requires understanding to be used effectively. Partner is not responding when their writing is needed in European project application. matter manipulation can manipulate matter, on really high levels you can turn energy into matter and controll even the smallest parts such as quarks or superstrings. Users can rewrite the laws of physics and then change them back in an instant, universes can bend to the will of a reality warper. If he can't manipulate all aspects of reality including time and thought, then no he's not. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. reality warping is limitless. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. Manipulated the molecule of osborn's brain. Regular old reality warping tends to have a more limited scope but in contrast characters with it often can do a lot more. Summary Reality manipulation or Reality Warping is a generic term where the user fits like any ability, that changes the primary state of something in reality, and this can be considered unreal, as for example a character could alter the molecular state of water, and start manipulating it, this would be a manipulation of reality on a low scale. He shrinked the size of a omniverse so that it would fit a box, a omniverse contains billions of realities, if that's not rewritting the rules of physics then i don't know what is. Mabel Stillman (Charmed); temporarily had the power blow things up after stealing Piper's powers Sentry (Marvel Comics) destroying the molecules of Molecule Man and learning he has control over molecules. How does Fantomex's misdirection ability work? Molecule man originally had the ability to mentally manipulate molecules, allowing for a variety of effects, such as the creation of force fields, energy beams, and hyperspace portals. For more information, please see our Reality Warpers: White Lantern Kyle Rayner, Franklin Richards, Mad Jim Jasper's, Beyonder. In Marvel Comics, reality manipulation involves affecting the (sub)atomic structure of matter and energy, as well as altering space-time in some cases; non-Marvel Comics basis actually revolves around altering the existential state of things. And you may be correct about MM, it just felt wrong not to have him in there though considering his name. VS Battles Wiki is a FANDOM Anime Community. Molecule Man can not. Basic knowledge of things, creativity, and desire for things to happen are needed for the user to warp reality effectively. Lexi Krane (Lab Rats) has an ability that is similar to Chase's molecularkinesis but instead she changes the said object on psychical contact, like she turned a metal chair into ice and then melted it. So no. You asked if he ever manipulated a mind, and he did. forums AT killermovies DOT com - The difference tends to be in scope. Not to mention that his powers came from energies used to create the Cosmic Cubes, the artifacts used to manipulate reality.. He can decide how thungs are placed and arrangedbut he could't say that muons are now electrons and cheese is a proton of bread snacks and have it be real. He says himself that he can "edit and order the base information of reality", which sounds a good deal like reality warping: It is a philosophical concept and an accounting technique used to analyze mechanical and chemical exchanges. @lordofallhumans: He did manipulate a mind and created time. If you love to imagine the planet-exploding battles of the fictional gods who will never be, taking pointless knowledge gathered from a life spent reading and gaming and swinging it like a gladiator's sword in discussions on reddit then welcome home, my friend. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Update the question so it can be answered with facts and citations by editing this post. Reality Warping and Paradox Manipulation tend to cancel each other out. At it's base, I think molecular control is just a bit more bound by the laws of physics, to a degree. SCP-3477-7 - Will the Real Harold Holt Please Stand Up? This can range from basic (like running on vertical walls, altering one's perception, etc) to more complex applications (like transmutation, altering forces of nature, etc). 4 years ago Antimatter Manipulation may destroy matter on contact. If you preorder a special airline meal (e.g. Variation of Warping. In quantum physics it is defined as a wavelength of light, in biology i. Where as Owen can only play with what is already there. Reality is the sum or aggregate of all that is real or existent within a system.
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