Except in cases of emergency, or planned program activity, employees shall not be required to: Work more than four (4) mandatory overtime shifts of at least two (2) hours of duration in a month, effective January 2, 2020, and no more than three (3) overtime shifts per month effective July 1, 2021, and implement reductions in accordance with section 19.38 and the Joint Labor Management Task Force; or, Work in excess of sixteen (16) continuously in a forty-eight (48) hour period; or. Approves/disapproves courses for addition to list. That vacuum of communication too often leads to work being outsourced that could have been done by existing state staff. Once a BU 20 LVN has signed up for voluntary overtime, it is the LVN's responsibility to work that position, unless the LVN has given the nursing supervisor, or their designee, seventy-two (72) hours' notice to enable the timely scheduling of a replacement. Floating (DDS): If it becomes necessary to float employees to provide coverage, each work location (unit and shift) shall establish a rotational system that distributes floating on an equitable basis. This provision shall not apply to First Tier industrial members in Bargaining Unit 21. The State shall endeavor to give thirty (30) calendar days but in no case less than fifteen (15) calendar days' notice. Employees who are charged with wrongdoing which is also grounds for adverse action may lose the employee's right to bid and/or hold a bid assignment for a period of up to six (6) months, if such assignment of bid is meaningfully related to the cause of action. Management may contact, meet with and/or make inquiries to ensure that bidders satisfy the eligibility criteria and understand the objective qualifications. The applicant will have an official, sealed (unopened) transcript delivered to the Employee Relations Office. For all DJJ/CEA Unit 3 eligible employees, when a premium holiday, falls on an employee's unassigned, non-work day, and the employee is required to work, the employee shall receive eight (8) hours of holiday credit and four (4) hours of informal time off. When work in progress requires overtime on a given shift, preference shall be given to the employee or crew doing the work. In the absence of any current annual performance appraisal, or performance evaluation material to the contrary, the employee's performance shall be deemed satisfactory. Guidelines Regarding Eligibility Requirements and Process for Requesting RN Educational Differential, Maintains current list of approved subject areas. This Tuesday Local 1000s Unit 4 bargaining team made great full time. DMV is not prepared for the work of ROD to be done virtually, separation of duties for our Driver Safety Hearing officers 19.3(B) of the SEIU Local 1000 Contract shall be applied to all call center employees. Industrial members (excluding Bargaining Unit 21) not subject to social security shall contribute ten and one half percent (10.5%) of pensionable compensation in excess of three hundred seventeen dollars ($317) for retirement. Meeting in a special joint side table with the state, Units 1 Employees who laterally transfer after November 1 will be precluded from the bid process until the next open bid period. Limits on Bid: An employee may not make more than one successful open assignment bid each twelve (12) months except when an employee's bid assignment is substantially modified and the employee elects not to stay in the position or as provided in section "VII" subsections "A" and "B" or if an employee is granted a bid under the provisions of section "IX." negotiated by our member-led bargaining team and won through the Our Union team met with EDD on this issue on August 19, 2021, to The State shall make reasonable efforts to avoid involuntary transfers. These hours shall be recorded on the schedule in blue. affirmed by CalHR in a March 10 decision entitling 1200 DSS Meet and Confer over the Department of Motor Vehicles Implementation of Real ID, Bargaining Unit 1 and 4 State Fund Update, Vice President Robinson, Sen. Galgiani Get Update on BOE Headquarters Building, PROVIDING OUR MEMBERS WITH UPWARD MOBILITY, New slots open up in IT Apprenticeship Program, DDS Developmental Center Retention Stipend Agreement Overview, Lift and Shift Bargaining Update for June 5, Health Records Technician Bargaining Update for June 5, State shows a lack of movement as we return to the table - Our actions will make the difference for a contract we can be proud of, SPB Approves New Medical Assistant Classification, Local 1000 Will Meet with the State on the Creation of the New Classification, Bargaining Leaders Meet with CCHCS Executives to Voice Member Concerns, President Walker announces 2016 contract campaign focus: take action, Covered California workers discover the power of membership, State Compensation Insurance Fund Performance Standards, JLMC promotes new skills database at CalPERS Information Technology Services Branch, Union pressure leads to settlement win at State Fund, Department implemented production standards without union input, EDD workers share the burden with coworkers facing reduced hours, Spreading the cuts lessens the negative impact, Steward retaliation case a win for Local 1000, Adverse actions removed after union challenges managers actions, CCHCS making the switch to electronic record keeping, Local 1000 members will take part in pilot program, Progress on Unit 4 program tech reclassification, DDSD Stewards Organize to Force Formation of JLMC, Disability Determination Service Division forced to accept JLMCs, Team refocuses direction to establish new classification, Donations of time and cash aid Shannon Pree's long recovery, Working to build power for 2016 negotiations, Local 1000 Wins Across-The-Board Bonuses at SCIF, Union pushes back against two-tiered award system, Team reaches agreement with the state to reduce impact of Phase 3 Staff Reductions, Download the Options Meeting Calendar PDF, Local 1000 negotiates with Covered California over call center scheduling, Program Technician Classification Study Update, 450 Permanent Intermittent Program Techs to convert to full time at Covered California, Sacramento stewards meet new EDD Director, Local 1000 gains an ally in its ongoing efforts to improve working conditions, service levels, Local 1000 signs first tentative agreement impacting all employees, New safety program for Napa State Hospital, Local 1000 fights to protect our members and sees results, Unit 4 Bargaining Unit Negotiating Committee (BUNC), $250 is accrued for all employees that meet the criteria The affected employees shall be surveyed to determine the preferred work schedule. Subject to any other laws, rules, or regulations as pertain thereto, not devoting the employee's full-time, attention, and efforts to the employee's State office or employment during the employee's hours of duty as a State officer or employee. Courses in an Expanded Practice Credentials program as defined by the California Nursing Practice Act in the following areas: Upper Division Physical Science (Biochemistry, Pathophysiology), Technical Report Writing (Management Reports), Communication Skill Courses for Client (Signing, Audio/Visual). properly resourcing teleworking equipment and functions to ensure In accordance with Government Code sections 19063 through 19063.8, priority consideration shall be given to individuals receiving public assistance under the CalWORKS program. However, the Union recognizes a department's right, within budgetary constraints, to require overtime, or the completion of work in progress by the employee performing the work at the time the determination was made that overtime was necessary or to assign the work to another appropriately classified employee from the volunteer list. However, the Union recognizes a department's right, within budgetary constraints, to require overtime, or the completion of work in progress by the employee performing the work at the time the determination was made that overtime was necessary or to assign the work to another appropriately classified employee from the volunteer list. Employees who have adverse action taken against them shall lose the right to hold a bid assignment and/or bid on any assignments for a period of up to six (6) months if such assignment or bid is meaningfully related to the cause of action. Seniority lists shall be developed by OHR within three (3) working days following the close of business on the final filing date and OHR will provide the seniority scores to the hiring office. State Hospital (NSH). Considering Lottery field staff work For the purposes of this section, an employee's RDO begins immediately after the completion of the employee's normal shift before the RDO. On Monday, October 25, 2021, SEIU Local 1000 (the Union) met with Within ten (10) workdays after receipt of the personal services contracts and associated documents as provided for in paragraph D(1) above, the Union and the department shall begin reviewing the contracts. facilities an area of great concern. "For cause" means a legitimate non-arbitrary reason for dismissal, demotion, suspension without pay, or reduction in pay as defined by B (2) above. As stated in Government Code section 20677.91, effective November 2, 2010, State Safety members shall contribute nine percent (9%) of monthly compensation in excess of three hundred seventeen dollars ($317) for retirement. Enhanced Background Checks. Such agreements may include: Contributing toward position reductions which would otherwise be accomplished by the layoff, salary reduction or displacement of bargaining unit employees; Enabling the employment of bargaining unit employees for services currently performed by contractors; Enabling of the conversion to bargaining unit civil service employment of qualified contract employees who wish to become State employees, as otherwise permitted by law, regulations, provisions of the contracts and resolutions by the SPB; Providing timely, adequate and necessary recruitment efforts. Hours worked in excess of the pay period due to an employee's normal work schedule will be treated as excess hours. If the employee desires to remain in the altered assignment, the employee shall notify management of the desire within five (5) calendar days and shall remain in the assignment. Within thirty (30) days of appointment under this procedure, all employees have the right to return to the employee's former position (as defined in Government Code). Seniority scores will be determined by counting one point for each month of full-time qualifying service, i.e., from full-time hire date, less any time off for unpaid leave, suspensions, etc. related to a recent court order. Meet your 2021 bargaining team. salary adjustments and did four presentations to state The needs of the State include the right to fill vacant positions using existing eligible or promotional lists, involuntary transfers, reassignments or other selection methods for reasons such as affirmative action, special skills, abilities or aptitudes. Before an employee is required to work mandatory overtime, management will make every effort to schedule appropriate available employees prior to mandating overtime. It really shows the power of BU 17 employees may volunteer to work overtime in classifications other than the employee's own. When a department has two (2) or more qualified employees in a class who are subject to an involuntary transfer which reasonably requires an employee to change the employee's residence, the employee(s) to be involuntarily transferred shall be selected in inverse order of seniority. Where the State finds it necessary to make such changes, the State shall notify the Union of the proposed change thirty (30) days prior to its proposed implementation. The Union and Management will identify an equitable distribution of the preferred work areas, watches, and RDOs between Management and bid assignments. Consistent with the expressed intent, an employee may only be mandated to work in another classification when all other appropriate and possible staffing efforts have been exhausted and it is operationally necessary. When the employees shift relief does not report for work or gave less than two (2) hours notice of intent not to report for work, an employee may be mandated if no volunteer is available. The coaching differential shall be subject to the following conditions: The school superintendent or designee(s) shall select the coaches and the maximum number of head coaches and assistant coaches receiving the coaching differential; A coaching assignment may be terminated at any time by the school superintendent or designee; The coaching differential shall be paid to the exempt teachers at the conclusion of the coaching activity; Exempt teachers who are assigned coaching duty and perform for less than an entire season, shall receive the coaching differential on a pro rata basis; Special School exempt teachers who receive the coaching differential are not entitled to overtime, or any other premium pay; Coaching position vacancies will be advertised. The list will be a progression as described above. of Motor Vehicles (DMV) to gain additional information about Alternate Vice Chair) and Sophia Perkins (Unit 4, Chair) met with Each proposed classification revision may be submitted to CalHR for review and update and further consideration by SPB after the conclusion of action by the Committee. The call-in/scheduling of a PI employee and the hours of work an individual PI employee may receive shall be applied without prejudice or personal favoritism. An employee who shows up for work at an assigned starting time and has not been notified by the employer prior to reporting not to so report, shall be guaranteed at least four (4) hours of work or shall be paid a minimum of four (4) hours at the employee's appropriate rate of pay. management to continue discussions over the reopening of the The Counselors will be ranked on the list by the amount of overtime hours the Counselors have been offered since the beginning of the academic school year. won in contract negotiations. ; Needs of the facility, including security and safety; If two (2) or more employees request the same assignment or shift and meet the above qualifications, the most senior employee will be granted the position. Five (5) overtime lists will be created for Counselors. The Union and the department will continue to meet as necessary to examine personal services contracts which have been let. Upon request, SEIU shall be provided updated information regarding the post and bid split in order to ensure maintenance of the ratio as described above. "Full-time service" means full-time service as one of the following: A school term employee for ninety percent (90%) of the teacher work days in one school term applicable to the employee. The Counselor on the applicable Area overtime list who is at the top of the list (i.e., has been offered the least amount of overtime hours) will be offered the opportunity first; if that Counselor declines the opportunity, the Counselor next on applicable Area overtime list will be offered the opportunity, and so on until the applicable Area overtime list is exhausted. Upon ten (10) work days advance notice to the department head or designee, the department shall provide reasonable time off without loss of compensation for an incumbent permanent employee to take the Class A and/or Class B commercial driver's license examination, provided: The employee is required to have the designated commercial driver's license and endorsement(s); The examination is scheduled during the employee's scheduled work hours; The examination does not interfere with operational needs of the department; and. Each call center shall provide notification of the ergonomic evaluation to each employee, along with a copy of an ergonomic evaluation request form, at least two (2) weeks prior to the ergonomic evaluation. Upon meeting and conferring with the Union, CalHR and SPB approval, and certification of funds (Form 137) by all affected departments, the classification studies shall be implemented. An employee who makes this election is eligible to purchase past Second Tier service. Compensation Insurance Fund (SCIF) regarding the implementation The call-in/scheduling of a Seasonal Clerk employee and the hours of work an individual Seasonal Clerk employee may receive shall be applied without prejudice or personal favoritism. Employees on any approved leave shall not be required to work standby duty. Description of duties to be performed (knowledge, skills, and abilities). The State will pay for the substance abuse professional's evaluation and counseling by the same substance abuse professional when it is obtained through a State contract provider. The State shall not use the log on/off time to the computer or electronic access card entry/exit times of employees as the sole source of attendance reporting or as the sole reason of discipline. Employees who have insufficient leave credits may use unpaid leave for the duration of this rehabilitation period. received a notice from the Department on this issue at which Consistent with the salaried nature of FLSA-exempt employees, these employees: Shall not be charged any paid leave for absences in less than whole day increments. Employees losing the right to bid or hold assignments as outlined above may be administratively transferred to the same watch without regard to RDO. "The employee does not have the option to receive the employer contributed amounts paid pursuant to this Agreement directly instead of having them paid to the retirement system.". Seniority is defined in Section F. of this Article. Final Class assignment procedures, as well as individual student assignments, shall be within the authority and discretion of management.
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