Doom then entered the Beyond-realm and attacked the Beyonder. The Beyonder (/bindr/) is a fictional cosmic entity appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics. However, unhappy with his physical inexperience in fighting, he left. Part of the energy from the dimension escapes and imbues Reece with near-infinite powers, which he wields as the villainous Molecule Man . Hi, what are you looking for? Therefore, the Beyonder and Molecule Man both got their powers from the same energy; the Beyonder got the majority of it, and the Molecule Man got a smaller portion. Unfortunately the only way to reject the Beyonder's purity--and to save Kitty Pryde, who was in the demon's clutches--was to re-accept her Darkchilde essence once more. The Beyonder then left after using Parker's toilet. [13] Their power would then be transferred over to Reed Richards, who used it to recreate the Multiverse in its eight iteration. On the other hand, the Black Knight's Ebony Blade, and Magik's Soul Sword, which normally can cut through magic, had no effect on him at all. They found the Beyonder and their tachyon beam attracted his attention. They managed to separate Heather Douglas, Moondragon, from her possession by the evil creature, and they fled together. The Maker's madness takes control of several inmates but is finally subdued by Thanos and several of his allies among the prisoners. Meanwhile, the Beyonder managed to come into our universe as a small spark of light. However, the Watcher suddenly came to talk to him. The Beyonder also had Klaw persuade Doom to grant him part of his power. Frank, however, was not feeling any better now that he was in control. Beyonder tells Spider-Man to think of him and his assistant, Madame Web, as 'ones from beyond.' While Reece was not as strong as the Beyonder, he was able to hold him off until the other heroes regained consciousness. Back in San Francisco, Rachel was only more determined to kill the Beyonder, and she still retained the power he had given her. She thought he was a mutant, and said she was one herself. What Sequence number is he? 7. Dr Strange pointed out that there were no signs of true life force aura in proximity, indicating that those heroes were creations of the Beyonder himself, and that no matter how accurate they appeared to be, his designs lacked true free will and human spirit. Writers later on depowered The Beyonder, which resulted with other versions. The retcons made the Beyonder arguably weaker than many Cosmic Entities. He was still quite powerful but didn't compare to the likes of Eternity and the Living Tribunal. The Beyonder was not in a mood to be trifled with, and was about to destroy Doom, whom he apparently didn't recognize, when Reed Richards stopped him. However, when they opened the door, they ignored her and tried to attack the Beyonder. The Puma visited his old sensei, Muramoto, while in Japan, and to his shock the Beyonder was there too--and he was friendly with Muramoto! He started to take over other arenas of power, including the Kingpin's crime syndicate, and then moved on to take over the United States from the president. Klein proceeded this line of thought and soon realized he had reached a dead end. Cage explained the problem to Beyonder, who made himself black in order to better fit in. He repelled Galactus "like a bug",[46] and exceeded the collected energy of the latter's World-Ship. The Beyonder, observing this battle, considered taking away Kurse's power, since he no longer really cared about the experiment. On a journey to the Andromeda Galaxy to locate the Avengers, he was responsible for the escape of their foe Nebula. He followed the path to power logically, and decided to simply take over all the life on Earth (except the Molecule Man, whom he called a "special case," but said he could take care of him later if necessary). Still, Gladiator called her (perhaps with typical comics hyperbole) "the most powerful being in the known universe" even in this stage of her existence. [10], Ultimately, the Beyonder entered the machine and was transformed by it into a mortal infant and which then began transferring the Beyonder's vast power into this newly created form. Then he and Scion decided that they must take more drastic steps to help the Microverse as a whole. Once the Avengers arrived, however, they were angry with him because they wanted to capture her, not banish her. The heroes attacked, and Doom, frustrated, let loose an enormous bolt of power that nearly destroyed all of reality. This, in conjunction with the fact that he thinks Black Bolt died long ago raises the possibility that he is actually coming from a future timeline somehow. Loki defied Those Who Sit Above in Shadows, and even put into question their origin and existence, by asking if the gods such as the Asgardians actually came from the stories that have been told about them, so it was possible that the gods of the gods did not create them in the first place. After a fight with the Fantastic Four, he revealed that his mind was actually inhabiting the body of a random stranger, Norm McArthur. This Cube, as with the other Cosmic Cubes, continued to develop its own powers and self-awareness. Thankfully, Owen Reece, a humble lab technician in New York, opens an interdimensional portal connecting The Beyond to Earth-616. [18], Subsequently, the Beyonder gave himself a body identical to that of Captain America. This must be a similar to the situation with Puma. Omnipotence: The Beyonders omnipotence have been shown to kill a non-corporeal entity who can only be killed by God itself which who the Living Tribunal.They were also able to create, warp, and destroy . Reece was annoyed, and didn't want to talk to Uatu, but Marsha did. He told the Beyonder that he must fight for what is right, and that such a fight must involve sacrifice. Meanwhile, Owen Reece, who had been watching events, was glad that he had not needed to step in and take action--or definitively decide not to take action. The UCWF tested his strength, and unsurprisingly he passed easily, lifting five times what the Thing lifted. Unlike his creators who were content to observe, The Beyonder seeks to fulfill his desires and discover his purpose. The Beyonder liked the irony of this, and did it. They also received an entry in Secret Wars Official Guide to the Marvel Multiverse. He was now, however, learning about the importance of money to the people of Earth. The One-Above-All's powers and abilities The One-Above-All is Omnipotent (All Powerful), Omniscient (All Knowing), and Omnipresent (Everywhere). [50]. However, his scale of power has been stated as below that of the Living Tribunal and Eternity, the Celestials, or the Molecule Man (when unfettered from his emotional weaknesses). The Beyonder created a vast machine necessary to bring about this transformation and tested it by resurrecting the New Mutants that he had killed earlier. In many ways their motives are like a mix of the Watchers and the Celestials--over the eons of existence, they have observed and manipulated the evolution of life and intelligence in our dimension. The only one that was left was Reece. Later on, the Avengers split into two groups to defeat Beyonder and his forces. It was around this time that he ran into Rachel again, this time in a deli in New York. Meanwhile, Ben explores the castle as Doom sleeps. Rather than be derived from a Cosmic cube or a mutant Inhuman originally, if he wishes to be or for people to think he is either of those things or anything else, then with regards to his power, then he is those things. Fireheart didn't really believe this, but agreed to look into it, and looked up Spider-Man to help him. To thier dismay, Dr. Dooms robots attacked them, causing the hovercraft to crash, as the four began the fight,Thing was captured and taken away immediately. It should be very obvious Uru Visser, also known as Beast, is the estranged older twin brother of Aethel Visser, the son and nephew of Rion Visser and Isis VisserIsis Visser is the leader of the Beyonder Sheltering Organization, A legendary Beyonder, and the brother to the lateRion Visser, as well as the Number III in the Red Barrow. [42], After his creator, Jim Shooter, left Marvel, writer-editor Tom DeFalco re-tooled the Beyonder, diminishing his power greatly: He was no longer nearly omnipotent, and several of the cosmic beings who were previously established to be below him in power were vastly upgraded in conjunction.[23][43][44][45]. They live outside the multiverse and are the beings responsible for the multiverse's destruction during Jonathan Hickman's Avengers, New Avengers, and Secret Wars saga. Galactus was rendered unconscious by the Beyonder's defenses, once again showing his limitless power. Additionally, readers can behold The Beyonder's appearance for the first time, discovering a mysterious clothed in celestial light. Owen Reece, a.k.a. However, she was not in love with him, and the disappointed Beyonder, once more in possession of his full power, parted from her. Hence, he released everyone and everything on Earth from his control; wiped out even the memories of his conquest of Earth although he did allow some few of them to retain a vague reminiscence of it. She thought he would be mad, but instead he fixed the bruises her father gave her. In classic continuity, the thing that attracted his attention in both instances was the presence of the Molecule Man. It'sugly! Demons from Limbo attacked. In his original origin, and in the Cosmic Cube origin, he would in fact he from another universe, and thus "unnatural" in ours. The Beyonder wanted to help so he mimicked the super-hero costumes he had seen, and created a new super-suit for himself. This disturbed the Beyonder because he was finally content with his existence and wanted to forget about the other universe that he had once lived in. This version is considered/stated to be Omnipotent. Kubik showed up and explained that because he and the Beyonder/Kosmos were purely abstract containers of power, they did not contain the full degree of potential that Owen Reece, as a human, had. Created by writer Jim Shooter[1] and artist Mike Zeck, the Beyonder first appeared in Secret Wars #1 (May 1984) as an unseen, nigh-omnipotent[2] being from outside the multiverse who kidnapped the heroes and villains of the Marvel Universe to have them do battle on Battleworld. The Beyonder had been drinking, and Strange could have possibly zapped him away in a pocket dimension and kept him drunk and out of everyone's way, but instead he had acted as a role model, showing how the Beyonder could be a champion of life like Strange. The Beyonder is a powerful, reality-warping being from another dimension. So Doom now asked the Beyonder to restore his memories. Boom Boom remarked that they didn't seem to worried about him, and he said they were, they just didn't show it. The fact that this story takes place before Secret Wars II is also interesting because all the events the Beyonder "recreates" on his false Manhattan are then from his future. However, while it was strongly implied in that story that he was no longer self-aware, and instead was simply the energy that had led to the natural evolution of the Beyond-universe, in this story he is able to separate his consciousness from the physical form of the realm, and has possibly been consciously manipulating the way the Beyond-universe evolved. After liberating Marsha, he decided it was just a phase and didn't bother to interfere further. He exists beyond space and time. At one point in the battle, Kubik held the Beyonder's entire universe in his hand, and was about to crush it, when the Shaper stopped him.