Fungal infections such as vag*nal candidiasis are common in people who frequently use antibiotics, have low immunity or engage in activities such as smoking which weakens the immune system, or conditions such as diabetes, use drugs such as ster*ids or other immunosuppressive agents for too long. It is usually seen in people who regularly take antibiotics, have a weak immune system, smoke, or have diabetes. Youre about to learn some of the most hidden facts your doctor never shared with you before. Enter your mobile phone number OR scan the QR-Code to download DrHouse app. It does not require you to douche in order to make it clean. its weird. Not only do they cause excess discharge, they also cause the production of a discharge that has a foul smell. Yellow discharge pregnancyIf you notice yellow vaginal discharge, it could indicate infection. A vaginal yeast infection most often occurs when candida albicans, a fungus that is a natural part of the microflora of the vagina, overgrows. "You'll know something is off," says Dr. Gaither. This is because they cause arousal and as earlier said, this makes the blood rush to the vagina to stimulate the vaginal glands to produce lubricants. Your oestrogen levels increase during ovulation which may contribute to you having watery discharge. With menopause, estrogen levels dramatically decrease, which can cause vaginal atrophy. No period cramps (although had what I thought was them last week) and the last 3 days I have been leaking LOTS of watery clear CM; I keep thinking AF has arrived only only to find a release of discharge (oh god TMI lol) - it feels like I've peed myself! Wear Cotton/Tight Underwears: Always wear cotton underwears and avoid any synthetic ones as much as possible. Estrogen can stimulate the production of more fluids. . Contacting your healthcare provider would also be appropriate if there was an STI involved. Anyone else around 24.5 weeks and experience a gush/I feel like I peed myself discharge? Sign up for Scary Mommy's daily newsletter for more stories from the trenches. Can Andrew Liver Salt Abort 2 weeks Pregnancy? In this article, Ill discuss the common reasons for watery discharge, as well as more serious causes of vaginal discharge and their symptoms. However, infections such as STIs, yeast infections, or bacterial vaginosis can cause a change in the color or odor of vaginal discharge. This, though, is not the case for the vaginal flora we refer to in medicine, and that is completely okay! Depending on the cause of the watery vaginal discharge, there are steps you can take to avoid worsening the situation and help with the discomfort: These recommendations will help manage healthy watery discharge and prevent some illnesses that can cause new watery discharge. Please enable JavaScript!Bitte aktiviere JavaScript!S'il vous plat activer JavaScript!Por favor,activa el JavaScript!, 10 Reasons Why Your Discharge Smells Like Dead Animal, Reasons Why You Have A Clumpy Discharge After Taking Fluconazole. However, you may continue to experience vaginal discharge during and after menopause. The smells may be present due to blood left in your body after menstruation has finished. During these reproductive years, people with a vagina produce about 1-4 mL of discharge daily. I have a watery clear discharge. This mucus plug will be inside your cervix, and it will serve to protect the fetus. Sexually transmitted infections such as gonorrhea, Chlamydia, or any other type of STI may present with STI too. When a grey whitish discharge is seen, it is usually a polymicrobial situation. Can You Go to Urgent Care For Bacterial Vaginosis (BV)? Check your symptoms, explore conditions and treatments, and if needed, text with a healthcare provider in minutes. 3. When a watery discharge feels like you peed yourself happens in the third trimester, consult your doctor. According to research, the color of discharge before ovulation can be cloudy and sticky or feel like mucus in some cases. My Wife is Now 7 month With Twins, For Past Two Weeks She have an low Vaginal Watery Discharge. Treatment: You need to see your doctor for prompt diagnosis and treatment. Discharge in candidiasis is often whitish, and cheesy but has no odor except mixed with infections from other microbes. Hormonal birth control can have some major pluses, like protecting against pregnancy and helping to treat heavy periods, acne, and cysts. There could be several reasons for watery discharge that feel like you're urinating, including: 1. Doctor Said Everythink Normal. Checked with Doctor She have Yeast Infection,Taken Medicine and Glucose. Physically and mentally, I have been feeling like I am on periods but I am not and t. Despite the odd feeling, vaginal discharge is entirely normal and is not usually a cause for concern, although certain precautions can help you feel less uncomfortable. But Only If She Sit For some Times Vaginal Watery Discharge Happens. You need to see your doctor as soon as possible for further evaluation. That watery discharge that came out of your vagina is completely normal and healthy. However, excessive watery discharge may be a symptom of an underlying medical condition., Vulvovaginal Atrophy. It can also change depending on ones life cycle, whether you are still an adolescent, a pregnant woman or during menopause. You also need to present your male partner for treatment. Sometimes a watery discharge that feels like you peed yourself can be a sign or symptom of a sexually transmitted disease (STD). However, in some cases, it produces a watery discharge that makes it feel as though you peed yourself, leaving you in an uncomfortable position. And, its usually not enough to warrant the use of a pad or cause any discomfort. 2, Jessica Guht Oct. 11, 2022 See a doctor if an increased amount of wet discharge requires a pad or liner, as this can indicate ruptured membranes, commonly known as water breaking. Always talk to your doctor about the risks and benefits of any treatment. However, you could be experiencing premature labor if your water broke while youre not yet due. Mac Bride, M. B., Rhodes, D. J., & Shuster, L. T. (2010). It can be from something as serious as an STD to something minimal, like a change in your diet. However, when these discharges start to occur in excess and you are into taking contraceptives or antibiotics, it is advisable that you stop but if you witness excess discharge and you dont take any contraceptives or so, it is important that you meet your doctor for proper check up and treatment to avoid further complications of watery discharge feels like I peed myself. Be aware of any changes, including: These could signal a medical condition. If you are unsure if your vaginal discharge is typical or are concerned about it, an online doctor is a great way to quickly gain guidance on your vaginal discharge. Watery discharge can also be a sign of ovulation because vaginal discharge changes during the menstrual cycle. If you have a yellow watery discharge that feels like you peed yourself, consult your doctor. Well, fear not: It's the American approach to sex education that's broken not you. See a doctor if you experience: Generally, women who are menopausal normally have minimal vaginal discharge as a result of lower levels of estrogen. Watery discharge can be caused by various factors, including infection, hormone imbalances, and pregnancy. When you engage in exercise, you may notice more watery discharge. Consult your doctor if you see a yellowish, painful, itchy, and foul-smelling discharge as it may be a sign of sexually transmitted infection (STI). Having more watery discharge could be a pointer that you have probably started ovulating. Ovulation: This is simply the release of mature eggs or ova from the ovaries. Normal watery discharge is clear or white and has only a mild odor., Women and HIV. Do you know that the watery discharge may not actually mean that you feel loose or need to tighten your vag*na? between days 11 and 21 of the menstrual cycle, Why Your Discharge Smells Like Dead Animal, watery discharge feels like i peed myself, List Of Worst Foods and Drinks For Brain Health, The Benefits of Mindfulness: Sherief Abu-Moustafa Shares How To Incorporate it Into Your Life, How to Get a Medical Marijuana Card in California, How Your Blood Group Increases Your Risk Of Developing Some Diseases, WHO sends health supplies to reach 400 000 people impacted by the earthquakes in Trkiye and the Syrian Arab Republic, Longstanding WHO partners to enter into official relations with the Organization, WHO launches new roadmap on breast cancer, Celebrating World NTD day with a photo exhibit: Reframing Neglect, swelling around the vaginal opening or vulva, pain or tenderness around the vaginal opening or vulva. However, it is especially important to be on the lookout for unusual discharges during pregnancy. Antibiotics use can also be the cause of your watery discharge that wet your pants. Prompt medical intervention can improve outcomes for you and the baby. This is absolutely normal and is not a cause for alarm. You may also experience higher amounts of vag*nal discharge after sexual activities. If you experience a watery discharge that feels like you peed yourself, you may also experience an intense vag*na itching as well. DISCLAIMER: The topics and articles published on this website including text, graphics, videos info graph and other material are for informational purposes only and should not be substituted for professional medical advice. This is because, during pregnancy, the vaginal walls and cervix soften, and to protect the womb, the body produces more vaginal discharge as a preventative measure against infections. The discharge from your vagina is a natural part of being female. Hormonal birth control prevents pregnancy by increasing the amount of estrogen and progesterone in the bloodstream. Watery discharge that occurs in the middle of your menstrual cycle is likely because you are ovulating. 118 women are talking about 'watery discharge' on Peanut. Some people who are pregnant may mistake watery discharge for their water breaking. 1. The answer isnt straightforward, as several things can cause brown discharge. This is because the discharge helps to cleanse your vag*na and make it free from infection. Treatment depends on the underlying cause but may include antibiotics. Single. However, some conditions could also bring about light or dark brown vaginal discharge. It is sexually transmitted though it can rarely be transmitted through other ways. Just as we have mentioned in the earlier paragraph above, STIs could cause abnormal changes in terms of color, odor, consistency, or volume of vag*nal discharge. To [], Thick White Discharge: Causes and What It Means, Discharge is a common experience for women, and this fluid, which is secreted from the glands of the cervix, can give you insight into your health. Other concerning symptoms may be excessive discharge, changes in viscosity or color, fever, or pain in the pelvis or abdomen. Clear watery discharge after ovulation. Some women may experience it every day, whereas others only occasionally. If the discharge is because of infections, your doctor may prescribe some antibiotics and topical creams like clindamycin, miconazole, etc. This infection is commonly called candidiasis. Why Does My Vaginal Discharge Smell? The difference in vaginal discharge depends on the time in your menstrual cycle or the presence of an infection., Douching. Infection by this pathogen is via sexual means. DrHouse articles are written by MDs, NPs, nutritionists and other healthcare professionals. However, if you notice any foul smell or changes in color, call your doctor immediately. Brown Discharge Before Period: Why Is It Happening? Jessica Guht Nov. 17, 2022 A discharge that is somewhat watery and generally odorless. The greyish discharge could also be caused by two or more types of infection. On top of that, the type and amount of discharge you experience can also change based on your menstrual cycle and stage of life, which means that significant hormonal changes such as puberty, pregnancy, and menopause can affect it. Why Am I Getting Watery Discharge That Feels Like I Peed Myself? When ovulating, the egg moves down your fallopian tube and stays there for 12-24 hours before being fertilized. Most women experience about 1 to 4 milliliters (around two spoonfuls) daily during their reproductive years. Watery discharge can also occur during menopause. 02, 2023, Jessica Guht Feb. 28, 2023. However, brown discharge may also occur around ovulation or early in a pregnancy, especially when you would have had your period if you werent pregnant. Watery Discharge Feels Like I Peed Myself,,,, I feel little heaviness in the stomach. Watery discharge can occur in girls six months to a year before the start of their periods. If you think your discharge is because of bacterial vaginosis, the doctor will usually prescribe an antibiotic. Treatment will depend on the underlying cause. If the discharge is watery, its most likely normal and not a sign of infection. During pregnancy, there is a change in the cervix and this affects vaginal discharge. So when people with a vagina find clear, watery discharge in their underwear, of course, our first suspicion will either be that we peed ourselves or we are getting our period. Clear, watery vaginal discharge is never caused for concern. Watery discharge feels like I peed myself: Hormonal imbalance Another cause of vaginal discharge in women is hormonal imbalance, as mentioned earlier watery vaginal discharge is a normal and healthy part of some women's life. For example, discharge tends to be thicker around the menstrual period. Other symptoms you experience in early pregnancy are. Watery discharge is usually normal and does not require treatment. That acidic discharge fights off bad bacteria and clears out dead cells. As I mentioned previously, a watery discharge could be a harmless sign. From a very young age, most people with a vagina and vulva get used to playing a game called "Why Is the Crotch of My Underwear Wet Today?!" This happens when there is the dominance of other microbes over lactobacilli which are supposed to be the dominating organism in the vag*nal flora. The excessive watery discharge could be a sign of an underlying medical condition. Avoid Vaginal Douching: Douching refers to the washing of vaginal with the use of cosmetic products such as lotion, cream, shampoo, and medicated soap. UTI While Breastfeeding: Is It Safe? Vaginal Douching Should Be Avoided: But, 4th of this month, I had watery discharge and ever since then the discharge has been increasing. Vaginal Discharge []. Get free meds and delivery. The healthy vag*na provides a wet, warm environment, which can encourage the growth of fungi such as Albicans and other microbes. Discharge of this color may signify an infection, especially if it is clumpy and thick or accompanied by a strange odor. If [], Whats The Difference Between a Mucus Plug vs. 3, Jessica Guht Oct. 07, 2022 No need to feel guilty my friend. I wear a pantiliner and it soaks right through my pantiliner. During pregnancy, the amount of discharge can increase. (2022). but you say clear which is normal. At this time, the egg will be ready to be fertilized by the sperm. Watery discharge can have different causes. Answer (1 of 3): Yup that's normal. Symptoms of PID may include watery discharge, pelvic pain, and fever. Vaginal discharge is common in healthy women, but when it occurs more frequently than usual, it could indicate an underlying health issue. A clear watery discharge could also be an early sign of pregnancy. When you have thick discharge with cottage cheese texture this could be a sign of yeast infection. Rarely is clear, watery discharge a sign of a serious underlying condition. Even during ovulation or in pregnancy, hormonal imbalances can also cause increased vaginal discharge in women. Depending on the cause, your doctor can also prescribe treatment, such as antibiotics, to treat the infection and help you feel better. This discharge is usually white, clear, thin, and stretchy (it's sometimes compared to egg whites). Pay attention to any swelling or blisters around your vulva or vagina as well. This is fertile mucus and indicates you are ovulating. However, this can also cause changes to your vaginal discharge. It could be as a result of foreign objects inserted into the vag and could be even menopause e.t.c. To help you determine if you should [], Yellow Vaginal Discharge: Causes, Treatments, and Concerns, Its normal for women to experience vaginal discharge, or fluid secretions from the glands of the cervix. Pregnant or not, while producing clear, watery discharge is usually normal, it's essential to see your doctor if you experience any of the signs that your discharge may not be healthy and could signal infection, per the Cleveland Clinic: At various stages of your cycle, you may notice an influx of watery discharge. A vagina or vulva that's itchy, red and sometimes swollen even before the onset of discharge. 5, Jessica Guht Mar. Normal watery discharge is clear or white and has only a mild odor. The discharge usually feels stretchy like egg white and has a mild odour. Some female may experience a clear white watery discharge during ovulation, and this is very normal and there is nothing to worry about. Stay healthy, 9 ways of How to Get Sperm out of the Body, Gummy Bear Breast Implants: Disadvantages, Cost & Precaution, How to Discover Delicious Fibroid Fighting Foods to Eat. This microbial Flora helps a lot in fighting against yeast in the vagina of the women. The good news is that trichomoniasis can be treated medically with medications and vag*nal suppositories. She is on the board of the Hyperemesis Research Foundation to help women suffering from hyperemesis gravidarum. Sexually transmitted diseases as we all know has a lot of detriment to humans, this sexually transmitted disease cause excess vaginal discharge and its also one of the reason why watery discharge feels like I peed myself. sometimes it's a bit creamy color or kind of white too. Thanks to estrogen which helps you produce more vag*nal fluids. If a foreign object, such as a condom or tampon, is left in the vagina for an extended amount of time, your vaginal discharge may change. How to Reduce Breast Size Naturally Without Surgery. Ovulatory discharge is often clear & stretchy. Thats because several STDs can affect the vaginal microflora. As stated earlier, cervix plays a role in the formation of the discharge that comes out from a womans body. The clear watery discharge feels like I'm peeing that occurs during sexual desire, on the other hand, is perfectly normal. If She Sleeps . If you're experiencing the sensation of peeing a release of your bladder with urine passing through your urethra and then realize that it's actually vaginal discharge, it's definitely time to see your doctor. This happens to about 10% of women who use clindamycin or metronidazole. unless it is a funny smell or color. Some warning signsif it's bad-smelling, green or yellow or cottage cheese-like, you might want to see your doc. Usually, a thin, clear, or milky discharge is seen as healthy, as long as it does not have an unpleasant smell. it means you're healthy! However, some changes may indicate a []. Your vaginal discharge changes color, becomes heavier, or smells different. Vulvovaginal atrophy. Ovulation occursbetween days 11 and 21 of the menstrual cycle. If the discharge is due to an underlying condition like infection, then the question is how to treat it? For example, yellow malodorous vaginal discharge can be a sign of a bacterial infection or a sexually transmitted infection (STI). A thick, white vaginal discharge with the consistency of cottage cheese. Hormonal imbalance So lets talk about some proven treatments; There are many ways to prevent infections of the genitals, but practicing good hygiene is essential. The difference in vaginal discharge depends on the time in your menstrual cycle or the presence of an infection. Change in Microbial Flora Antibiotics use can also be the cause of your watery discharge that wet your pants. I'm not having periods while I take a 3 . However, infections such as STIs, yeast infections, or bacterial vaginosis can cause a change in the color or odor of vaginal discharge. The discharge cleans the vagina of dead cells and harmful bacteria. Some causes of this discharge can include pregnancy, sexual arousal, ovulation, or hormonal birth control. Avoid visiting the sea or pool too often and consult your gynaecologist in case you happen to have any watery discharge even after adhering to this preventive measures. 2023 BDG Media, Inc. All rights reserved. I would suggest that you see your GP for a full history and examination and take it from there. Still, you may notice increased amounts when estrogen levels are high while pregnant or using birth control pills. Symptoms like itching and soreness near the vagina may also mean something wrong with your hygiene practices. In the middle of your cycle, when your ovaries release an egg, your body will typically produce more discharge to help sperm reach the egg. Douching is washing or cleaning out the inside of the vagina with water or other substances. Skip the unnecessary waiting room,