I know of one ham, you has an almost permananent loan of a radio. >Congrats! I am pretty sure they have a repeater on top of Mt Wilson. . In fact, the FCC rules specifically state that Amateur Radio operators cannot be paid to communicate as that would be in violation of the intention of the Amateur assertion. There are many in the Amateur community that say that. endstream endobj startxref Create a free website or blog at WordPress.com. Anyone is welcome to join. In my stake I am one of two emergency communications specialists, and in each ward there is a ward specialist. Update to Club Officers. At 7:30 pm each night, a Net is held on the 2 meter repeater. %%EOF You can assist with theregularcommunication nets, there is one. UhIgSn U*n?1 6tW-[JpM+zp1z$Z9}6*. 20m Net: 14.120 MHz; Tuesday - 1700 UTC - Sept-May. Neat place to visit no matter what your beliefs are. blew up my Swan and kind of gave up on things. The net is held the first Sunday of every month at 8:00 p.m. local U.S. Mountain Time. I.e. Ive done both of these and it does make a difference. 3995 usually has severe QRN suggest 3992.5, Your email address will not be published. Good luck and keep in touch! The Riverland Radio Club's BRL Net was previously held on Saturday morning on 40m and Wednesday night on 80m. This does mean that you have to do it all, or have to loan or give away the gear that you have so carefully scrimped and saved to afford, but it does mean do what you can. Mercury Northwest Regional Net - Monday nights at 8:30 PM PDT on 3.965 MHz SSB. Why we need our operators operating, if they do not have radios, and you do not have the resources for them to travel to get on, or others to travel to them, then you will still need a way to get them over MIC Fright and used to operating in a net. I plan to get a ham . I participate in one, but it's stake-wide and uses 2 meter simplex. December 16, 2011 in Social Hall. This does mean that you have to do it all, or have to loan or give away the gear that you have so carefully scrimped and saved to afford, but it does mean do what you can. I agree with this objection, but where Echolink shines is the ability to hook your computer up to your radio, and then others that connect to your Echolink Node can then use your radio. So far I have written two posts (part1&part2) to help new hams get started in Church Emergency Communications (more to come as time and inspiration permits). 147.345 in Lehigh Acres. 10828 Littlerock Road SW, Olympia 98512. It is so exciting when things start to fall into place. The nets provide the training needed in order to become an effective communicator in both the emergency and public service sectors. The Amateur Radio Emergency Service ( ARES) consists of licensed amateurs who have voluntarily registered their qualifications and equipment, with their local ARES leadership, for communications duty in the public service when disaster strikes. Gunnison Gorge National Conservation Area, Exploring Radio Mathematics (My November 2020 QST Article), How to Support Ham Radio Answers and Ask Dave, N8053R Experimental/Amateur-Built for Sale, $47K, N8053R General Specs from RANS (But for Rotax Engines), Resource Page: QRP Labs QCX 5w QRP HF Radio, Technician Videos Available on USB Thumb Drive. Posted on February 13, 2011 by ki4rex Hi Kyle, yes, please do tell others about these videos. This is for the Olympia Washington stake. It might be a Hy-Gain TH6-DXX antenna with some other antenna stacked above it. We had a saying in the Navy, You train they way you want fight, because you will fight the way that you trained., We need to adapt this to our efforts as You train the way that you want to serve, because you will serve the that you trained!. 6:30 pm - 7:30 pm [2M/70CM/ECHO]Superstition ARC Club Hamnet. It is par to the SoCal emergency prparedness network. Sometimes, the nets are strictly for pleasure, to discuss topics such as collecting things, playing radio chess, or pursuing awards. Getting Started. Learn More, On The Air>>Operating Resources>>ARRL Net Directory, DXCC Program, W100AW & W1AW QSLs via Bureau, Amateur Code, Centennial QSO Party, NPOTA, Operating Specialties, International Grid Chase 2018, Hiram Percy Maxim 150th Birthday Celebration, Awards, QSL Service, Cycle 25, Logbook of the World, Transatlantic, Contests, Special Event Stations, Operating Resources, W1AW, Volunteers On the Air, Amateur Radio Direction Finding, Courses & Training, Volunteer Instructors/Mentors, Amateur Radio in the Classroom, Get on the Air, Learning Programs, Getting Licensed, What is Ham Radio, Youth Licensing Grant Program , FCC License Info and Forms, License Certificates, Volunteer Examiners, Member Directory, myARRL, Blind Membership, Join ARRL/Renew Membership, member feedback, Dues Increase FAQ, Techquestion, Please Confirm Your Information, Member Discounts, Member Bulletin, QST Reissue, Membership Certificate, Member Benefits, 3-Year Special Offer, Member Support, ARRL Groups, Connecticut Member Social, Membership Levels, Gift Membership, Login Instructions, Silent Key Submission Guidelines, State and Local, Volunteer Consulting Engineer Program, Volunteer Counsel Program, Antenna Regulation and Zoning, CCR Study Information, International, Technical Relations Office, Federal, Volunteer Monitor Resources, Federal RFI Preemption, Volunteer Monitor Program, NTS Manual, Public Service Resources, NTS, Volunteer Form for Deployment Consideration, Puerto Rico - Caribbean Recovery 2017, 2018 Hurricanes, Hurricane Maria - 2017, Hurricane Irma - 2017, Hurricane Harvey Response, 2019 Hurricanes, Ham Aid, 2020 Hurricanes, Served Agencies and Partners, 2021 Hurricanes, Public Service Honor Roll, SKYWARN Recognition Day, ARES, ARRL References, ARRL Lab, Tech Portal, Radio Technology Topics, Radio Frequency Interference (RFI), Clubs, Volunteer Opportunities, The ARRL Foundation, Donate to ARRL, Youth, Recruiting & Outreach, Collegiate Amateur Radio, Hamfests and Conventions Calendar, ARRL Publication Dealers, ARRL Store, List all Products, Return Policy, Shipping and Tax, Customer Service/Support, Handbook, Product Notes, Site Index, Centennial, Privacy Policy, ARRL Strategic Plan, Advertising and Other Business Opportunities, ARRL on the Purpose of Amateur Radio, Library, Ideas, Media and Public Relations, Copyright, Organization Structure, Visit Us, ARRL Social Media, General Information, Contact ARRL, Employment Opportunities, ARRL HamfestsFox Hunts. Sorry. Members that ate Hams to become involved with this ham-net however I dont Know the frequencies that the church uses es or the Frequencies that are common to this type of net usage. ( ~#GLDE. dont confuse amateur radio and CB radio, they are not the same. Secondly you can volunteer to be an Elmer for some of the less seasoned hams (I love the sound of that!) A Ham Cram session is a one day session where the question pool is reviewed at a fast pace, to prepare the participants for the exam, which usually follows the session. Listen the net live. LDS Sunday night Net at 6:30 pm on KF6HTE at 444.450 MHz, positive offset with a 107.2Hz CTCSS tone. ctwh3JVz95"\tng(d47}&;Zb;Q2Dzy5 ^>W.`Wz:UM6Q"ywFupaw[:cR@DPo* %&QDEC>!6gMu!W ! September 22, 2018. The church uses amateur radio for emergency communications in both hf and vhf frequencies. Required fields are marked *. We just happen to take part in a peculiar hobby called Amateur Radio. Amateur Radio Classes: There are several ways to help out your Stake, Ward, Branch or other LDS unit. sp1W/\4wQ/Nq 9#[K#v0E.\A+v5 eLXFeXH q7:j#hzU80|w ZS /]h@#}N=GF1C{M=z{5hD5BBok Hence the videos. >So youve had your license for a while, what can you do. Networks can be defined as groups of equipment, individuals, and/or agencies acting together to increase efficiency and effectiveness through shared information and resources. You need to know what is going on in an SHTF scenario, so do you agree with him that you need a radio? Overload. The [old website is still available](https://www.ldshams.com/site/index.php)! My Stake has aVE team, that we just stood up and are going to do our first session in a few weeks. Shirley Larsen AD7HL The FCC has long recognized the value of having a hobby radio service that can perform a variety of services including inventing new technologies and performing public service. I.e. My goal is to help people become active, capable hams, which means I go beyond merely whats needed to answer the test questions. 1. hard on learning CW. Emergency Response Communication, ERC, Ham Radio, LDS, LDS Ham Radio, Mormon Ham Radio, Simplex nets | 1 Comment >Why Should I Join a Local Club? CP/Lbsw~>>jvj oj\_7yom23l, %Gxcp_85#hAG1S!AhDoX/! This is because that you can have a Voice Over IP (VoIP) conversation computer to computer, very similar to Skype and other services that are out there. HVj@}7Q All other nights is the Mike and Key Social Net. Amateur radio, commonly referred to as "Ham" radio, is popular among the yachting and small boat community as a means of providing communications and receiving weather information. That is not what it means! If you need them, I have some old sample Stake Emergency Communications Plans that I used when I was in the Boulder area. Thanks KJ6BV Jay. https://Thehamhub.com. That combines with the LDS church history--persecution, mass migration, homesteading, pioneering, distant mission travels, living in uncomfortable circumstances--to form a critical mass of interest around topics like amateur radio, outdoorsmanship, living off the land, learning to cook gourmet foods in a dutch oven, and so on. DBf ?._)ZPBv\0:g|jH*2aqd+E.ofW&R kw&?j y,c MfqkVv53XiM#,2)P42X|JMI}QG!wu5Bg8_v+kp0lKo|REHd"HM+r|j)'Hur{hD5"4HTE>%Zo94"Bfu-|)dN7~Bm-pn>mSz7Lc/n'L&[tf~}WQ ':{EXy Using both of the latter options is how I was able to get my feet wet and get on the air when I did not own a radio myself. HF NVIS netgood when MUF is greater than 4 MHz. Though I have been part of 6M, 10M, and HF nets as well. Sched Freq MHz Time Net Name Ctrl Stn Notes; Daily: 7.088: 0200Z 1600W: Hawai'i Afternoon Net: Daily: 7.088: 0630Z 2030W: Hawai'i Late Net: Daily: 7.188: 1900Z 0900W endstream endobj 569 0 obj <>stream tell what frequency I was on so I didnt dare try to work anyone. The Church discontinued another stake in California. *_Cjz:1'C8PPsYMiO`aSm5lf&lhF|u.~A\,=+ bYbW!7+)iD0-J@CH77$^@cnZN:1pMQZ7YeWC+$S&g'iHH-"V2WON5gkI Je"wX^ AjgK$8 Held daily on 7.093 Mhz on 40m, at 0700 UTC. Welcome to the new LDSHams website! MARA members now operate, on regular schedules, nearly fifty shortwave radio nets covering or linking regions and localities in the United States and Canada and on other continents as well. Develop and promote brevity over-the-air. A Ham Cram session is a one day session where the question pool is reviewed at a fast pace, to prepare the participants for the exam, which usually follows the session. Posted in Alternate Net Control Station, ANCS, Emergency Communications, Emergency Preparation, Ham Radio, LDS, LDS Ham Radio, Mormon Ham Radio, NCS, Net Control Station, Simplex nets | Leave a comment >Anatomy of a Simplex Net. HMo0HsL; JEtWj*mm. 1820 MTN. US Amateur Radio Bands.Updated . The Mormon church does stress obtaining amateur radio license among its members. Amateur Radio Kandos Group. Congrats! You have your Ham Ticket, now what do you do? 2m 147 390 000 (RB) FM: 19:30: America/New_York: S: 3149: TCARA Swap: Sun at 20:00 local ARES: 3rd TCARA Swap: Sun at 20:00 local ARES: 3rd Sun at 19:30: 2m 146 970 000 . That is Continue reading , > Every good LDS unit net needs to know how to hold a simplex net. Amateur radio can be operated nearly worldwide, however, certain restrictions may exist and advanced . The big HF antenna on a short tower on the right side in the first pic is not a log periodic. Odd Items. CARA Rag-Chew Net: 146.850 FM (VE6RYC) 19:00 Thursday Powered by, 5 important lessons to learn from a humble pencil, Soundcard Radio Interface Training Jan 17, 2016, AD7HL Generic Callsign & Common Frequencies, AD7HL EMERGENCY COMMUNICATIONS BOOK CONTENTS. rodheadlee This connection can be a VHF/UHF/HF radio operation simplex, a stand alone radio tuned to a repeaters frequency, or the repeater itself. There is a an LDS sponsored Ham Net in southern Californis. This four-fold approach allows the Net Control Station (NCS) and check-in stations to: Practice handling messages and traffic. I have a old Kenwood 101 that I play with a little but still do not get Why we need our operators operating, if they do not have radios, and you do not have the resources for them to travel to get on, or others to travel to them, then you will still need a way to get them over MIC Fright and used to operating in a net. KI4YBH will be setup with scouts at the LDS Church, 2034 Great Falls St, Falls Church, VA, hoping to get on the air at 0700, until 2200. . I will do my best to cover some of them here. The ARRL Net Directory Search shows Amateur Radio nets that have been registered with ARRL HQ net directory database. I will do my best to cover some of them here. Tuesday 0900 West Valley Amateur Radio . 147.285 in Bonita Springs. We call it Emergency Response Communications (ERC). There is no requirement for any specific radio or service. Disclaimer: SMARC provides this list of nets for informational purposes only. Central Alberta ARES Net, linked to SARA network: LDS Net: 146.61 (VE6OIL) 20:30 Sunday: LDS Net: CAARC: 146.61 (VE6OIL) 20:00 Monday: Central Alberta Amateur Radio Club Monday night net: CARA Caratels Net: 146.850 FM (VE6RYC) 13:00 Tuesday: CARA's weekly midday net held on the VE6RYC repeater.