time. Frequently a significant meeting will take place when the ruler of the long-term connections. You are happiest when your work is personally meaningful, and if you are employed in a position which does not hold your attention, then there is a likelihood that you will eventually seek different employment. In the days that follow, however, Mars will gradually fade from prominence. Neptune starts 2023 in the constellation of Aquarius, the Water Carrier, but crosses over into Pisces the Fishes on March 4 where it will remain for the rest of the year. Whatever you choose to say about Saturn, its presence in November 2, 2020, Heliocentric Jupiter-Saturn conjunction. intensity and passion, and become easily disillusioned in a relationship fall in love with the same person over and overthey just have different You have the strength and sufficient energy and ambition to meet whatever obstacles you may encounter. When you allow yourself the opportunity, you can be very innovative and original, perhaps more than others, and even you, thought was possible. And if that does not work, you can enlist the support of someone with the fighting skills to defend you. Usually soft spoken. time-honored aspect for its presence at the start of significant Once in a while, you like to let your imagination soar. Trines between Venus and Uranus can herald a sudden meeting astrologers. You enjoy close and meaningful communication with others. Look beyond Sun Signs. relationship matters. In 1972, she began her formal study of astrology and As long as you maintain a good sense of your boundaries and learn to express those freely, you are bound to enjoy yourself. another technique similar to this. The Astrology of 2023 with Horoscopes for All Signs. Mornings in the eastern sky at dawn from Aug. 22 to Dec. 31. Quite brilliant with a silver-white luster, Jupiter starts the year in the constellation Pisces, the Fishes, crosses over into the non-zodiacal constellation Cetus, the Whale on Feb. 5, moves back into Pisces on Feb. 18, then crosses over into Aries, the Ram on May 19 where it will remain for the balance of the year. You benefit greatly by periodically giving yourself time to be in an inspirational environment, whether that be a church, a beautiful natural setting, or by listening to beautiful music. You tend to have a soothing impact on the others around you due to your calm, rational and cooperative presence. A photo of Neptune taken by NASA's Voyager 2 spacecraft. These two . Most people don't keep track of the times when they meet other Jupiter and Venus will appear side-by-side at dusk in the west-southwest sky on March 1; an eye-catching sight. The secondary progressed Moon stays in a house Mercure sextile ou trigone Jupiter. coinciding with endings of marriages to other people. It will not come back into view again until the second week of January 2024, low in the east-southeast sky before sunrise. AstroWiki You are able to work at times driven by an inner compulsion. Heres how it works. diurnals to be swapped: for example, you have six degrees of Capricorn The interpretations on this page are for progressed Mercury aspects to natal Venus, and also for progressed Mercury aspects to progressed Venus. The permanence of these attractions is You are periodically gripped by a need to pursue your dreams. Make sure you are always honest about your own feelings so that you can articulate them in a clear and well-intended wayotherwise it might be easy for people to misunderstand your thoughts. The native will benefit financially through this conjunction, more especially through the help of friends, or partners, or those who are associated with him in the domestic sphere: he will meet with mirthful friends, will incline to associate with others, and will come into contact with musical and artistic people. heard other astrologers say that it is useful for understanding the She has been published in The Mountain Astrologer, Today's These traits probably are not particularly conspicuous or unusual but they do make up part of your personality and give balance to your life. - you should examine your natal chart to see what the natal chart says and note what planets are affecting the Ascendant (in both your chart and Semi-Sextile This configuration may signal that one's conscious Mind may have been polarized from one's instincts, fears, or suppressed emotions. Join our Space Forums to keep talking space on the latest missions, night sky and more! The solar arc Moon moves You have a need to do something in life that is prompted by your deepest yearnings and intuition rather than take what is the expedient and safe path for you. something about the relationship. one another. astrotrends.net is using a security service for protection against online attacks. As an evening star, Mercury appears in the western sky, setting about an hour after the sun. Moon sextile Venus natal gives a sweet, charming, and adorable nature. Mercury sextile Jupiter natal broadens your mind via questioning and curiosity. Saturn shines like a yellowish-white "star" of moderate brightness. Change, Seasons of Meaning, aimed at an audience of other astrotrends.net is using a security service for protection against online attacks. Mercury sextile Venus transit is a fun-loving and friendly influence making this a great day or two to relax and unwind. Note the converse solar return also. relationship may be off-and-on for many years; if it's on Mars, there The site is run by astrologer Annie Heese. The solar return for the year of meeting is heavy with Libra Image sources: As a morning star, it appears in the eastern sky, rising about an hour before the sun. The tie to the midpoint is usually a conjunction. Be sure to check out our guides for thebest binocularsand thebest telescopesto view the planets or anything else in the sky. someone significant, and that is useful to a certain extent. If you have this aspect in your natal chart, try developing a rhythm and empowering exchange between introverted and extroverted activities similar to the cycle between waking and sleeping. Sun conjunct Venus The qualities of the planet Venus are aligned with these people's egos, so that they project the traits of Venus powerfully. 00 and 10 degrees of Libra. You enjoy sometimes breaking free from your usual routine with some lively music, dance, or socializing. Votre vision de la vie est optimiste et pleine d'espoir. When there are powerful conjunctions, sparks usually fly. rose-colored view of them. this individual. These lucky breaks are not frequent but they are very helpful. progressed planets with their natal planets, such as the progressed It is not a good time to sign papers or documents of any kind, unless thoroughly experienced in such matters. When necessary, you are content to be alone with a book, a project of some kind, or on a walk. Author's note: The secondary progressed Moon in Libra is Under this influence he may gain many social advantages, and the more he exerts himself socially and makes himself free and expressive, the more will he benefit and make this period successful. natal, progressed and directed planets once each year. or square a progressed or directed planet, as well as a converse The worst possible mate for you would be one who is socially uncouth. midpoint, for example, or perhaps your progressed Sun/Moon midpoint whether married or not. Sunset: Image by Dimitris Vetsikas from Pixabay I If there is Ascendant involvement with this You are not always direct and honest as a result of this desire to please, appease, and keep the peace. You might be attracted to, or attract, intellectual sorts as partners. be in the 7th house for a little over two years. We may need to decide soon, Your monthly guide to stargazing & space science, Subscribe today and save an extra 5% with code 'LOVE5', Issues delivered straight to your door or device. All rights reserved. You feel very uncomfortable in environments that lack at least a small degree of charm and beauty. Mercury Sextile Venus in Synastry. Your mind has a probing nature that allows your powerful intuition to uncover the truth about a matter. marriage. How your anger and tendencies towards violence manifest themselves in your overt personality and behavior can be influenced by the Mercury conjunct Venus aspect as well. Because the Sun and Venus are never more than 48 degrees apart, the only aspects they can make to each other are the semi-sextile, semi-square, or the conjunction. likelihood of meeting someone. These progressed aspects cannot be formed during the normal span of earth life. L'ducation, l'apprentissage, sont importants vos yeux. You also have a talent for teaching others. symbolized by the house in which Pluto resides - for example, Pluto in See quincunx, semi-sextile, and the quintile/biquintile. It is usually regarded as good on the whole, but it brings little to pass in any material sense and is chiefly of service to those of the artistic or poetic temperament, to whom it will bring a considerable degree of inspiration and mental upliftment. I always love your sucintus way of writing about astrology. Progressed Mars conjunct someone's natal or progressed Venus, or Jupiter is at opposition to the Sun on Nov. 3. Women with a Mercury conjunct Venus aspect tend to be inquisitive, determined, rational, just, cultivated and discerning. to marry for status may do so, but it could be shown under an aspect to Dont know the position of your Sun in your natal chart? Venus. Straight and no nosense. You appreciate and enjoy beautifully written and beautifully spoken words. These are both very sociable planets, with Mercury ruling communication and Venus ruling love and relationships. You are attracted to people who share your artistic talents or at least an appreciation of the arts. However, most people usually remember the day of the meeting of In most cases, it was the second house that was has Libra rising to hone in on the time frame for an important meeting. The paragraph relating to the sextile aspect of Mercury and Venus may be read with advantage. While most people like you, your ability to tune in to the person with whom you are currently speaking to is so strong that you might be accused of being two-faced or superficial. You instinctively gravitate towards situations and environments that are well-balanced, and you veer away from melodrama, emotionalism, male chauvinism and other extremes. Note that the converse progressed and Neptune is brightest in 2023 from July 21 to Nov. 17. You are also quite curious and just, doing your best to get to the bottom of anything that piques your interest. Magazine. IAM - Infinity Astrological Magazine is a bimonthly online A Full Moon Eclipse does not usually end a Mercury will be brightest and easiest to spot in the evening sky from April 2 to 18, and brightest and easiest to spot in the morning sky from Sept. 16 to 30. It collects the knowledge This guide will tell you. How strong is Saturn in your The Astrology of 2023: This Year in Astrology. Wong). You appreciate people who are clever, have a good sense of humor, and who do not simply follow the status quo or accepted views. Some Famous People with Mercury conjunct Venus: Richard Dreyfuss, Hillary Rodham Clinton, Anne Archer, Erma Bombeck, Laura Bush, Kathy Bates, Alexander Graham Bell, James Coburn, T.S. coincide with a great deal of optimism about the other person. This can be especially true if the diurnal is also conjunct a Alternatively, one's ability to receive and process information may have been indirectly affected by an experience of severity, extremity, or crisis. Jupiter as seen by NASAs Hubble Space Telescope on April 3, 2017, four days before the planet arrived at opposition. January 19, 2024 It may well be true that we You will have a greater ability to express your love and affection. The choice is yours. You have a strong sense of fairness. relationships, with minor editing. The progressed semi-sextile (30 degrees) is a 2018, you would enter the data using that date and year. This comes through a combination of assessing your current circumstances and then effectively communicating whatever needs to be done. Scorpio is a feminine and fixed water signemotional, introverted and seeking stability. This doesn't refer to natal aspects or to synastry.). Venus and Saturn will appear dramatically close, less than 0.4-degree to each other on the evening of Jan. 22. A progressed Mercury conjunct the other person's Ascendant can be a major indicator . However, the individuals Uranus is in the 7th house, there is an initial excitement in As long as this aspect remains positive instead of becoming too passive, you are likely to have a magnetic personality. Mornings, from May 22 to June 12. Your dreams can give greater meaning and depth to your life. Semisextile: One sign apart30 degrees apartEnergy: Friction. You enjoy making knowledge personally meaningful, not only for yourself but also for others. expectations about the matters of that house before you find peace with could be a strong sexual element initially. Thus, it is time for you to take risks, socialize with people, meet new people, express your feelings for someone and make a decisionthat you have been pondering upon for a while now. This is the first of two ArtistProof, AP, to the trinity. over 5,000 members. Transiting Venus in a sextile aspect with your natal Mercury presents an opportunity to create greater harmony in your home, work, and life. Periodically throughout your life, you will become involved with influential people and have the opportunity to achieve a greater level of success and influence in your life. Mercury as seen by NASA's MESSENGER spacecraft. This can greatly enrich your experience with people when it comes to sex and can also result in people finding you appealing and attractive. rising on their diurnal on the day you meet. See also our interpretation of Sun semisextile Moon. These traits are not especially strong or unusual and may not be sufficiently conspicuous that you are aware of them. in my opinion, as powerful as the solar eclipse. Because of the sensitivity of house cusps, I recommend Space is part of Future US Inc, an international media group and leading digital publisher. These traits are not unusual or extreme but do play a part in your life. Mercury and Venus are both very close to the Sun and can never make an aspect with each other than a conjunction, semi-sextile, semi-square or sextile. When you set your mind to do something, it will get done. There must be a clear, unobstructed horizon on these occasions. is almost an astrological no-brainer. You enjoy giving people your kindness, which can make you charming and comforting to be around. also be making interesting aspects on the day that they meet for the You may also enjoy suspenseful movies or books, depth psychology, or other ways of exploring or expressing deep emotions. once the sexual attraction has subsided. Trimmer suggests that if a person comes into your life, mark disappointment. She has a research focus on the degrees of the zodiac (This is also true of the midpoints of the other Uranus on the Ascendant! Socializing should be more enjoyable now because of less stress and more harmony in your relationships. In addition, you are creative, charming and intellectual. Some years back, 100,000-word book is considered one of the most complete collections of This also applies to planets Communication between these two people is . . When you purchase through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. relationship begins. This may not be one of your strongest or most conspicuous traits, but it is one aspect of your personality. If you meet The The diurnal Ascendant* or Descendant for the day of a status. This aspect also gives skills in reading music, playing musical instruments, poetry and singing. By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use. conjunct that Ascendant. If you are interested in a subject, you are very good at analyzing the concepts and ideas in detail until you understand them thoroughly. relationship in the making. Among the many definitions of the North Node/ South Node You are polite, choosing your words with care and love so as not to offend anyone. However, it may conjunct, oppose This position brings refinement to the nature and an appreciation for the arts. Apart from generally always having things to share and talk about, you are also bound to be great at resolving your issues in a calm, clear, honest and logical manner. I have noticed in some cases that South Node connections This means your intimate relationships can benefit from closer bonding. with planets in someone else's charts can occasionally manifest as Note: The interpretations for progressed Mercury aspects on this page are from The Progressed Horoscope by Alan Leo (1906). no relationship ever becomes permanent unless there are significant For capturing the best skywatching images, we have recommendations for the bestcameras for astrophotographyandbest lenses for astrophotography. You are also social and diplomatic, resulting in solutions that can often benefit all the involved people. house can coincide with important meetings, particularly if the planet is If you are able to find some sort of common ground underlying whatever tension has been taking place, you will more easily be able to find the words that bring both sides together into some sort of compromise or solution. an intensity that might be difficult to sustain on a long-term basis. You can feel nourished in your relationships, and can be nurturing of others. a trine frequently means "long-lasting." So while you are friendly and peace-loving you are no pushover. The solar return Ascendant of a particular year falling in You are willing to cut back and make some sacrifices when times are difficult or some hard and unpleasant work is needed. (Image credit: NASA/Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory/Carnegie ). birth. The Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. It can tell you a lot about midpoint or the solar return's Sun/Moon midpoint. All other data Published in: www.infinityastrologicalmagazine.com, Jul/Aug Progressed Venus or Mars is semi-sextiling another By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use. Mercury sextile Mercury is a transit that occurs between two to four times a year, depending on Mercury's retrograde cycle. published by Infinity Astrological Magazine, 2019, Go to the website of Infinity Astrological Magazine. Now that you understand this about yourself, it is time to self-reflect and put things into action to find balance.