(Mostly hard aspects). They are very good advice givers because of their analytical nature. Uranus in 8th / 5th individuals may have quick random hookups. However, you may be quite skeptical of information that comes around you.. do try to be more open to it. Scorpio placements find it very hard to not get obsessive over their hobbies. Sagittarius risings & moons & gemini risings & gemini moons tend to be the class clowns from what Ive observed. Not really following your comment, my Friend. GET YOUR BIRTH CHART:www.astro.comIn this series I'll be addressing the best career for your zodiac sign. You also have incredible work-ethic but you dont really stop and you tend to exhaust yourself and this could ruin things like sleep schedules because of your rest-less motivation. Venus in Sagittarius is a rare visitor. (Overall Air moons / risings). Moon in 8th individuals may experience their mother projecting jealousy on them. but they do have a mature aura and people think itsboring, your life might be saved if you just listened to a capricorn mercury, virgo mercuries can be seen as rude sometimes. If the 12th house planets are Conj. It isnt something I would wish on anyone. At worse could indicate lies around the home & twisted information. theyre not the type to go over the top, sagittarius mars are usually really protective over their friends, just something ive noticed but theyre really protective + theyre never scared to stand up for themselves or others. They remember facts from years ago, its hard to fool them. You may be attracted to the rising sign that squares your mars but there tends to be tension. This isnt to say other mars placements dont have this ability! Their intuition is always right about things & people. To have a planet ingress into a new sign at the exact time of the full moon is extraordinary and very rare! What would that mean for the Asc/North Node person? This only goes to underdeveloped Scorpio placements and not to the mature ones (I have Scorpio Placements) but Ive noticed a pattern where underdeveloped Scorpio placements are prone to copying / using sly techniques in order to get power, wether this is cheating off other people or anything of that nature, some really underdeveloped ones can be very hungry for power and recognition theyll do anything at almost any cost. They both hate unoriginal stuff. Here's a list of the best and worst placements for each planet that would be the most strongest signs and weakest signs to have in each planet Of course there's some certain signs in the zodiac that are exalted in a certain planet, But, Are unsure of which planet it is, So, As of right now. Scorpio risings have a sparkle in their eyes and they tend to look very piercing, even if its a darker color, Ive noticed their eyes always stand out. Your Moon sign represents who you are when you're alone and your emotional side. I have a Capricorn Stellium (5 planets and NN.) On a positive note.. they always come up with really innovative ideas like wow how did you think about that? Below are some predictions about these rare peculiar combinations and Yoga in Kundli/ Birth Chart:-, Also Read: Important Yogas/ Combinations In Horoscope. They have power. A lot of you guys have a hard time processing emotions because it doesnt fit your standards of what they should be. Air moons/ placements love neglecting their intuition, you know you have that bad feeling about that one person, why arent they blocked yet? Uhm I only have MC as water sign cancer-? (Check other placements). "I want to welcome you to my website. Libra moons are the definition of sweethearts and truly try to keep things peaceful and pleasing and theyre the true suckers for aesthetically pleasing things, they wont tell you this but a lot do wear their hearts on their sleeves. There were some freaky coincidences sometimes. but their head shape was really round idk yall cute tho like adorable, sun dominants and leo risings literally light up the room anywhere they go enough said, good vibes from them only, why does everyone say leo placements are the most confident? Venus- Lilith Individuals tend to like darker aesthetics / grunge. Color: Cardinal. Check up on them & be consistent as fuck & keep promises thats how youll get to their heart. I hope I can do this when I tell you about my own life. They should learn how to save more or be wiser about money. And what do they do. Make sure people dont take advantage of you because of this. Capricorn placements as mother or fathers could be harsh on the child. People with this placement are more likely to deal with jealous people some that are jealous of their success and reputation. People with heavy Scorpio in their chart have a very heavy energy. This one fits my chart. Beautiful hair and the eyes are more bright with the Leo influence. (Theory). Sagittarius risings always look like theyre gonna burst out laughing in a good way. Scorpio risings with Aquarius in 4th did you feel like the odd one out in your family? 25) Mars-Mercury together in 6th house will give wealth from investment and technology-oriented work but after struggle in life. Well I HAVE 5 PLANETS in the 12th house. like theyre amazing partiers, scorpio moons can retreat when theyre sad, some friends may not hear from them for a while. I can decipher ones character, thoughts, motives and reaction very easily. Scorpio placements dont take no for an answer when they really want something. 27) Saturn-Jupiter if aspects each other in horoscope or in conjunction sitting together in any house will give wealth from the age of 34 till the old age. Whatever planet is in your 1st, you will attract or / and people confuse you of. This work belongs to me and me only, I dont wanna see this posted anywhere else. ive noticed a lot of air venuses, especially Aquarius have considered an open relationship or its not completely off the table.. virgo mercuries are usually really honest or people usually dont suspect them of lying + they usually have evidence or anything to back up what theyre saying, mars in leo probably fantasize about getting a lot of attention and pampering in sex lol or the complete opposite complete domination, i noticed a lot of scorpio risings / pluto in 1st struggle a lot.. but they never seem that way? People with Uranus in 4th may have had a mother who was always changing and couldnt rely on her. I need to connect with fellow 12th houuse Saggitarians with Venus risings in Capricorn.I am singer too https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=en__PVxdoio. It also shows insights on how you handle anger. Instead, start pampering yourself and put yourself in relaxed environments, put on a candle for example & make yourself feel at home when youre achieving goals / working. Also Gemini placement culture is telling yourself youll answer that text then forgetting to days later. The planet Jupiter represents the Magnetic personality. I really love them. With their intellect, they can play off things well & may even be able to fool people easily. Mercury gets vastly better with time, which I believe has to do with the heavy Leo influence in my chart however the 12th house sun continues to be a mystery to me. I have this expression and personality number in my chart. I have sun conjunct Neptune with less than 1 degree and in my 1st house, but I dont have addiction issues despite the very hard aspects I have in my chart. Jupiter is one of the best to have in the 12th. Sextile Saturn (6.5 degrees) It doesn't only have to be aspects, but anything from obvious to more unnoticeable things from someones birth chart that makes you think "wow, I've never seen that before". Fire risings especially Leo are the biggest hype man / hype woman. My eyes tear when I watch something sad on the news or hear music that strikes a chord in me. Hence, they dont seem to have satisfying relationships and dont really know why. Its in Aquarius. Please remind your local Virgo rising that they are beautiful and loved. Have no idea what it means haha. They have since young seen vivid images of the future and may have experienced Deja Vu. Cancer moons may be secretive but are very loyal to their loved ones, they love checking up on their loved ones even if they havent talked in a bit they would initiate it. In our birth charts, the moon rules our inner needs and our intuition. Most Rare Auspicious List Of Yogas In Astrology. 31) Ketu in 7th house along with Sun or Moon or Jupiter gives spouse from past life connection. It doesnt matter if theyre introverted, they know how to make people feel special. This is also true for the other elements and houses. they heard you what makes you think theyll change their answer? It is the only way Im ever going to feel good about myself. You may have had a very hard childhood. You often feel like an old soul because of your wisdom, start believing in your knowledge and your power and dont ever underestimate yourself because you have the tendency to. People with Sun in 7th at least at one point may have thought of being a Lawyer because their ways of seeing every side. And everytime I forgot to bring them, that same day, the door of the house would be unlocked. Do all people with this aspect do such? But if the rest of the Sun is afflicted you guys may have pretty bad vision. People with Saturn in 3rd usually have some sort of difference in education wether they started late (usually) or perhaps earlier. Mercury - Lilith aspects tend to love testing other peoples reactions with things they say and this could get them in trouble, they also have wild imagination and are prone to thinking really sexual thoughts often. Pluto in 10th individuals especially Women are most likely to be used by men. Sagittarius moons are more prone to irregular periods they may not get their periods for a while but check the rest of the chart. I do charts for the people who want them. Pisces moons tend to have a mother who couldve been spirituality devoted / had unconventional interests like Astrology. And traveling always makes me happy. Directions and Transit: Yoga provides exact results if the house and planet connected to its profession create a bonding during a native's livelihood. When I watch sad movies, I can cry buckets. 47) Ketu in 3rd house gives knowledge abut many languages in life. Air placements tend to love experimenting with things often. They can be very big homey people who think too much and keep their circle small. A lot love the night too & looking at the moon. Jupiter is the planet of abundance, when you place it in any house in the zodiac wheel, it increases your luck and fortune that is associated with that particular house. All of mine I think are within 10 moon is 29, Venus 6, Saturn 5 and ascendant 8 so does that mean I have no planets in the 12th or they just affect my 1st house? Cancer Venuses & Moon (Overall placements Perhaps) love making promises in relationships, breaking a promise no matter how small it was, will really mess with them. This would be my top worst placement. sun square mars.. we get it your father messed up your self esteem.. pisces moonsdo yall like ever get tell anyone your life story..? Overall, Chiron in the Tenth House appears in natal charts as an indicator of a person's anxieties and fears of failure. They also value their privacy and love people who are private themselves. This sign is always the opposite of its home ruler. Same for Sagittarius and Aquarius they have a natural drawn. Frederick Steinmann says so-called difficult placements are actually opportunities for greater awareness, acceptance, and transformation. Let others know when they absolutely crossed the line. It makes for a Divine Protection. They can purposely make themselves believe something that is false. Libra rising / Venus in 1st known for their charismatic sense of self and their internal and physical beauty. Uranus in 1st individuals are most likely to have a weird life. It was all over my back from the time I was 14 and all over my face from 18 on. Virgo placements get scared when things are going good because they think itll just get bad again. If you wrong a Saturn in 10th placement your reputation will most likely be heavily affected. you are very much a peace- maker and you know how to deal with things in a mature manner and are often a good example to others. If neptune is your chart ruler Im just gonna assume youre always in the clouds and you seem like you dont pay attention 24/7. This can severely hamper self confidence. Venus square Pluto individuals are most likely to go back to toxic exes. You have two Nodes, your North Node and your South Node . Does the grand trines connecting all of my water houses translate as emotional as well? NO. Common aspect in models and influencers. like the stuff they say shocks me all the time how do yall come up with these thoughts, a lot of virgo risings, especially the females were really tall! The ascendant represents the first house, which represents you. like they somehow still had a good reputation idk but yall charm with people is through the roof amazing, having sun - chiron can make someone have very bad sense of worth like damn u hate yourself that much babe? cancer risings have the cutest round noses.. i keep simping for yall LMAO. These people are incredibly understanding of things maybe even to a fault. My father had Sun conjunct Saturn in Aries and as a young man he fit your description, but he overcame it over time and became one of the most self-confident people. oculus drivers windows 10 Your email address will not be published. The ASC is an element you dont have makes you appear a way you are not. Pluto in Libra individuals will try their best to not let chaos happen (rebirth) its like they refuse change. People with Chiron in 11th probably grew up with a lot of fake friends sure.. but since they heal from this wound later on / growing up they find true friends later who can heal them especially Online. Venus in Aries may like playing uninterested at times to see if the person is really down for them. ? like they the type to say ill always be here with you and if you wanna talk ever. Money, self-esteem, etc. Moon in Sagittarius tend to be the biggest procrastinators. Does that sound right? Writer, Astrologer, Numerologist, Palmist, Vastu Expert, & The Teacher of Occult Subjects Shankar Bhattacharjee, a respected & well known name in the Vedic Astrology field. People with Aries in 2nd are respectfully, very bad with their money. Underdeveloped Cancer Venuses or Venus in 4th may run to their ex often or old friends that perhaps werent good to them because they were once home to them. Most Pluto in 1st individuals go through periods where they arent stable and arent okay these periods tend to be sudden and very intense. . Uranus in 3rd tells me that you are consideredthe weird kid but are hella fucking smart. People with Eros (#433) / Venus / Mars in 9th could find themselves getting into hookups in travel or foreign places. I am so sorry, Kate. Im not saying Uranus / Aquarius dominants have bad luck but things are very unexpected in their life with them. You have a natural talent of creativity & dont let anything unoriginal bother you. In the ascendant persona chart which dives in deeper on how you present yourself & identity, look at the rising sign (then some 10th placements + signs). Also this is why a lot of you guys tend to cringe at this easily. Example; Uranus in 1st may attract a lot of Aquarius energy or /and be confused as an Aquarius placement often. I have no planet in water ( moon -in capricorn on the asc and cancer rulling 7th house cusp- does that comes close to smth watery? ) Karmic experiences with goals and inspirations; needs a solid ground on them. Someone with Moon in water and Air venus can have the love language of words of affirmation. They couldve also been very sporty since a young age / childhood. Virgo moons may have a had a strict diet since young. Funny! (Observation). astro placements &their alter ego. You may attract people who wanna dig up on your past and use what you have said against you. These people are incredibly understanding of things maybe even to a fault. You have the tendency too give too much love when you know you shouldnt because once you set yourself on something its very hard to bring you down because of that intense drive towards things you love, start shifting that to healthier things, you always know whats best deep down. People with Moon in 11th could have more of a best friend relationship with their mother. When one of the most psychic planets found in the solar system form an aspect with your ascendant, or rising sign, intuition is attached to your outer persona. The north node reveals where we are headed during this lifetime and the south node reveals where we have been. Chiron in 3rd individuals tend to be incredibly misunderstood in communication, people may take their wording weirdly and miss underestimate a lot. Subtext is what you pick up under the surface with your emotional radar. They may fall into very bad episodes themselves. ( Check other placements). As far as I know there are more Virgo suns than other sun signs, presumably due to people getting weird over Christmas and New year. tbh not everyone deserves ur amazing energy, gemini placements ALWAYS have a comeback to things at this point dont bother to win them in an arguement, why do water placements purposely put on sad music i noticed a lot of water placements are sometimes addicted to being sad , enough said these babies fr absorb everyone energies :/ its important theyre with the right crowd, cancer rising women & libra rising women have the most beautiful plump lips , leo risings & placements love jewerly?? Leo mercuries tend to aim for ego in arguments from what Ive noticed theyll take whatever they analyzed is fragile to your ego in their intellect and how they attack would be based on their Mars sign. Most people look up to you for advice and comfort. Like they may rage at the internet lmao. Pluto in 10th may attract people who think they dont deserve their success. Please do not repost, plagiarize, reword my observations. Astrology offers us a portal to explore another dimension of ourselves. They are also seen as lucky by others. virgo risings look like fairies too but like garden fairies.. they look so youthful! Other Yogas: The 3rd house must be in powerful position of the native to be a successful journalist. Pisces rising women tend to be very slim with somewhat of a curve but not too curvaceous, they tend to have very nice waistline. The most important thing to remember: we all have the ability to tap into our intuition and explore beyond the physical plane. libra placements can indicate a nice bootey especially in personal. Again, the orbs are key. The way they have a forgiving heart, but that is just a part of them. House placements can also be a mitigating factor. Mercury in Pisces individuals were most likely the type to shy away from presenting projects in classes and etc. Its not said enough people tend to be VERY curious about these people. Water risings ( Moon in 1st & Neptune in 1st) ) I always believed that having a Water rising will always tone down and make the natal chart more softer. Leo placements throughout their life may attract people who wanna make them seem smaller they know their potential and their worth and want to dim it down for their own benefit. Venus square Ascendant youre easily liked but you do one thing wrong and most people will not see you the same light / wont like you the same. Im Cuban , Aww Yo estudio Espanol. WhatsApp: +91 9051357099 (not for a free consultation). Hi Lon Not sure what that means though. Having your mercury in Virgo is good but if you combined it with a scorp/aries mars it could be really scary when they're mad. Its very fucking adorable. The sun person sees Venus as beautiful and their whole world. Like Mercury in Gemini. Sorry, you have Javascript Disabled! I would think since Saturn is generational that it wouldn't beif so, what orb when looking at angles? Water houses being occupied gives a watery flair to those planets even though they are not in water signs. (And may not have a lot of friends or there is an ease with friends), Gemini placements may have a habit of not finishing things. They sympathize through who you are and your potential. People who give you advice that you didnt ask for should be looked out for. If your south node is in any of the three water signs (Cancer, Scorpio, or Pisces) you likely experienced a spiritual path in a past life. iiiJade on Twitter mentioned how people with Libra & Scorpio in their chart can get away with problems regarding with law and this is so true Ive been thinking about this before they observed it and as someone with both of these placements I can confirm. There is a natural sense of knowing that increases the ability to pick up on other peoples energy and thoughts. Jupiter shows the Husband. (Especially Virgo placements), People with Ceres in Air signs / Air houses may give comfort to others more verbally and intellectually than nurturing. 13) Saturn-Rahu in 10th house can make one a successful Industrialist or Entrepreneur. So maybe you have a void in water. 2) Sun-Venus-Mercury combination together in any single house will give good reputation and success in any artistic field. This could also be applied to north node in 12th. Keep in mind that these people are not naive. Thanks for the info. I have found out and listed out some points and peculiar combinations which result in some significant result. Literally everyone goes to a Cancer placement/ Moon in 4th individual when they need help. Whenever i have gone to other astrologers, they usually say generic stuff about me and my future but your prediction was to the point. ? no i havent, they treat you like a whole baby.. its kind of cute tho, i swear having cancer + leo in a chart makes someone very petty and dramatic exposing myself but its true, venus in leo were that bitch in high school that started drama but somehow wasnt necessarily in it?? Lilith in 7th individuals could have problems with the legal system not going their way. No matter how hard you try to tell yourself it doesnt matter, you know negativity gets to you at times, you shut yourself down. (Theory). Jupiter in 10th, why yall care so much if people like you or not? Because of this they hate when people try to interrupt their peace asking so many questions this may seem normal however I have seen a lot of times Capricorn placements do not like being asked questions they see as no sense they dont like small talk, get to the point with them they can see through it! The sign position of Mars reveals much about our basic animal nature our aggressive instincts, our sexuality, and our drive. Whatever the sign / planet is in the 12th house will influence how things end for you in your life. Ex; Chiron in 1st individuals will always hype up everyone & boost everyones ego and confidence because they know how hard and bad it is to feel down and neglected. 28) Rahu in 3rd house can make one celebrity in life provided Venus and Sun is strong in Horoscope. these individuals are super forgiving, perhaps to a fault, and they attract people who try to take advantage of them, those people however dont realize that these natives have very good intuition almost psychic like, they are not too confrontational but trust me they know, they can see your bull-shit. This often is the aspect of addiction. Pluto - Ascendant individuals did/ do you guys ever feel like you were being watched? (They mimic the way they communicate). The Water Void is the hardest Void, in my opinion. Its commonly found that these people attract people who either love them or hate them. Quincunx Sun (1.5 degree)